I'm not sure the motivation to make an entry on this blog again... Looking at the last entry, man, it's been a long, long time.
When I talk to people, I still essentially relate my life and lifestyle changes that came around the time of that last blog post...I didn't run Chicago, and essentially, within a few weeks of making that decision, I didn't run. At all.
What started out as a 3-month hiatus has turned into a 4 year on again/off again, love/hate relationship with running. So, here I sit, a different version of the man and runner I once was.
Without going too far into the history or reasons, I've come to a point of embarking on a couple of new adventures, so to speak...3 new adventures, to be exact. And as I contemplate this juvenile and unwavering need to "pursue" goals, dreams and the overcoming of challenges, I look at this blog and I wonder if this is the place to capture it all.
Further, because of the way things go in they cyber-world, I also contemplate whether it's best to go about them in another blog under this profile, where I know others that I know will stumble upon it, or to go in a much more "anonymous" direction...create a new profile and a new blog.
For all intents and purposes, the best way to do it may just be a new blog under this profile. I just don't have the energy to create a new profile, so I'll go the easier route. :)
That being said, I'm no longer the "Houston, TX Road Racer"...not by a long shot. I look back on that time and I enjoyed the progress I made, the benchmarks I set...the PR's I set. They are world-beating, but I take pride in the accomplishments.
So, for those of you who have continued to check back in from time to time, I'll be adding one more blog under this profile. I'll probably spend a little time thinking of the right name...one that can be a little more universal so if I continue to write in here, it will be able to stay under one blog and not have to be changed over and over again to capture my current "state" in life.
All that being said, just wanted to make a post, mostly for myself, just to say... I don't know...to say "I'm not done chasing down a dream...chasing a goal...finding new challenges and trying to make things that seem unlikely and impossible a reality, and taking the gifts that I've been Blessed with by the Big Guy and doing all I can to make the most of them."
Next Post here will have my new blog link, so if I have any readers, they will know where to find me.
That's all for now.
13 years ago