...I'm on vacation with family, and over the last few days have really thought about a lot of things as it pertains to my running life. Well, and my life in general. It's late, and I'm one of the only ones awake, so I apologize ahead of time, if this gets longer than intended, or longer than most enjoy reading.
As I struggled through my most recent attempt at a tempo run, I contemplated a lot of things. I went from personal short-term goals, through some of the things going on in my non-running life and the direction those things are taking (or seem to be taking), through my plan going into Chicago (I even toyed with the idea of just bagging Chicago altogether), and into my running plan over the next 12-18 months.
As I've been thinking through these things, asking for Guidance, getting some input at times when appropriate, I've been able to come to grips with a few things that I continued (and may not be done fully doing) to keep myself in denial about. Sometimes I just can't get myself to see the things that are right in front of me, but when I take some of my quiet time in a run and allow myself to be truthful to me, those things become harder to remain in denial about. So, I have found myself in an interesting spot with my running and with my life. I was able to, despite finishing my Wednesday workout poorly, and quite honestly having what started out to be a miserable evening, enjoy the steps I took during the workout and able to get my evening turned around in pretty outstanding fashion...not to toot my own horn. I didn't do anything outstanding, but the drastic turn that it took from the way it started to the way it ended was pretty dramatic and very awesome.
So, my running life is changing, and my mindset towards it is also changing. What will this mean? Well, for that matter, what does this entire post mean? All I can say is to stick around, and you'll find out...maybe. :-)
Rodriguez, out.
13 years ago
Don't keep us in suspense too long... I am reminded of that old saying that denial is not a river in Egypt: sooner or later we have to face up to the facts. So often the difficulty is the start. Taking the first step from doing nothing to doing something about whatever. Best advice is to break 'it' down in small increments and just get going on the first one.