Well, the running has become easier, faster and I'm slowly starting to shed an lb or two. I have my first short-term milestone in that department that I'm looking to achieve...hopefully, it's not too far away.
Running, I'm looking forward to my first double-digit mileage day in the next 7 days, which should come this Saturday. Over the weekend, did another 9 on Saturday and then 6.5 yesterday. If all goes to plan (and we know how it goes sometimes when you make plans), 10-12 will be on my Saturday agenda. And if I do that, it may mean a trip out to run with my favorite running group, the Kenyan Way. I've been hesitant to get back out there, as I'm just not the same runner I was last time I was out there...or heck, maybe I am. Either way, it's up in the air if I join the group run or not.
Either way, I'm feeling better with each passing run.
This week, my daughter is on Spring Break w/her mom, so the two nights I would normally have reserved for her won't happen, which means I should get a little more running in this week. Not sure if that will help or hurt my weekend running plans. ha ha ha
So, that's it for now. I should be able to post regularly after each run now, going forward... The running, if all goes well, should get way more interesting.
13 years ago
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