So, this is the longest that I've gone w/out running in a while. The Achilles is feeling good, and I'm very much looking forward to Saturday's run... the first run since last Tuesday. I can honestly say I'm not doing all I should be doing, but some of the strengthening exercises are being done, done some stationary biking. More to come tonight.
I've decided that my next trainer will be some sort of Pearl Izumi equivalent to the Asics DS Trainer. In the days that I've taken off, my trainers have been sitting next to my front door, waiting for me. In the meantime, I've been wearing my DS Trainers, two training shoes ago, essentially...maybe 3 trainers ago. Anyway, each time I put them on, they make me feel ready to run. It's weird that a pair of shoes makes me feel that way, but it's evident the moment I put them on my feet. They are the shoes I wore for the Houston Marathon, and wore for a little while after. I switched to more cushioning shoes the last two trainers as I was in a mileage increasing mode. That's been a good thing, but with what's gone on the last 3 weeks, what I feel like I need more than anything is something that is cushioning for my mind and attitude. Dealing with this injury, while coming on the heals of a 5k where I fell apart in mile 3 has done a number on my brain. I need to get my mindset right again. it's getting there, as I'm itching to get out the door for a run.
13 years ago
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