Saturday, November 20, 2010

11/20/10 - Kenyan Way "Long Run" - 8.6 Miles

8.6 Miles
31:57 out
31:00 back

I was quite excited to get my first run in from 45-60 minutes. Obviously, I went on the high end of that, but it felt great.

I'm definitely out of shape, as the run back to base saw me twinge a shoulder muscle...not exactly sure how that happened, but about 10-minutes before I was done, it just suddenly felt like a muscle just inside my left shoulder blade wanted to cramp up or something. Was pretty uncomfortable, but I just got through the end of the run and it seemed to go away throughout the day.

Headed to the gym for calf-raises, core, upper-body work and some one-legged squats. All in all wrapped up with about an hour and a half of work. I'll take it.

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