Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Continuing Progress...Building Momentum

Last week, I took a couple of extra days in between running to make sure all felt good and in good shape.

Saturday morning, I got out and ran to Memorial for a loop, then continued with a loop of the bayou. It felt great. Total 1:22:36 running time. First run over an hour in a while, and man did it feel good. I kept the pace relatively easy, as I probably got in about 11 or a little more miles. I'll have to map it out to get the mileage.

Sunday afternoon, after dropping off my daughter, I headed out for a little over 7 miles to and around Memorial...heading to the park down Memorial and back from the park down Blossom. 49:32 total running time there, as I'm pretty sure the entire run was below 7:00/mile.

Monday, I got out for 7.1 in the morning and 2.2 more miles at night. All in all, a great running day.

As each day passes, legs are feeling better and better. I feel very thankful with each step, and just keep hoping that things hold together. REAL training won't begin for a few more weeks, but getting the confidence up with each run seems increasingly important.

I have a goal time in mind already for Chicago, but there is so much that has to go right in order for that to be a possibility...right now, it's just one day at a time and getting myself healthy and confident.

For those who have done so, I greatly appreciate the good thoughts and positive vibes.

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