16 Miles
6:51 avg
7:46, 7:19, 7:17, 7:10, 7:02, 7:12, 6:52, 6:51 - 57:30
6:48, 6:30, 6:23, 6:18, 6:28, 6:49, 6:31, 6:22 - 52:10
94 miles/last 7 days
Nice smooth run from the bayou, 3 loops of the park and back. Overall, I felt like I moved well, with no real fatigue in any of the usual places. I kept looping the park, thinking the 4-miler would start @ 7 or 7:30, but since it started @ 8, I never got to see any of it. Looks like a neat run, just looking a the set up of the start/finish line. Just didn't work out in my training cycle to have me run there.
13 years ago
It actually started at 8:30am. Main thing about that race that I dont like AT ALL. Way too late of a start.